Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 3:13-14
Many believers know that it will take effort to walk and to live the life that God has in store for us. We are willing to go to church and to do certain things that we believe to be right. We are willing to be good on some days and be kind on others. These are voluntary decisions that in most cases we willing submit to because we think we are doing the right thing. However, in order to go to another level in God, we have to grow past our spiritual adolescence into Spiritual maturity. ”Are you willing to Press?”
The Apostle Paul is writing to the church at Philippi and he is telling the church about his conversion, his life and his current situation. Paul states that he is putting everything he has been through behind him and he is not living for tomorrow based on the pains, nor the success of yesterday. Paul suggests that from this point forward I am going to press. The word press in this context is not like an iron or a wine-press but rather when an athlete in a race press forward, running quickly to reach his goal.
Paul’s goal was to reach the mark, the place and position in Christ that represents being the person that Christ had called him to be. Paul said I am no longer worried about my problems, my troubles are my past, my focus, my energy and all of my effort is committed to going forward and becoming who God called me to be. It doesn’t matter if you are a good person, the question is are you who God wants you to be? If not, “Are you willing to press?”
Pastor SP Courtney
Finally brethern, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
Perhaps this not a question but rather a thought presented to all believers as we journey together to life. Many of us worry about things we cannot control, we struggle with issues that we need to let go of and we wrestle with problems that God has already delivered us from. Are we as the church overwhelmed with life and life’s issues. Do we find ourselves engaged in thought with things that threaten our praise? What is on your mind today beloved, what are you thanking God for? If not right now can you tell me, “What have you been thinking about?”
The Apostle Paul is writing to the church at Philippi and has presented them with a list of things that they should think of. In verse 7, he said that God’s peace would keep their hearts and minds through the power of Jesus Christ. In verse 8, he gives them and us a list of thoughts that if we praised God we should also consider these things. How often do you think on things that are true, honest, just and pure? If we did this daily would we struggle with integrity and humility?
How often do you keep your mind on things that are lovely, good reports and the praise of our God. If we did it frequently would we struggle with being optimistic and having a positive outlook? Perhaps life has not been what you expected, but perhaps you need to consider the thoughts that you allow in your spirit! “What have you been thinking about?”
Pastor SP Courtney
O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee? (Psalm 84:12) KJV
When most believers express themselves and what God has done in their life they often use the word blessed. Unfortunately, the majority of believers associate being blessed with their possessions, their position either in church or their career standings. While being blessed is what all believers should aspire to, we need to make sure we understand that there are other attributes or characteristics to living a blessed life. d for? The Psalmist in Psalm 84 suggests that putting our trust in God, is a critical criteria for those who call themselves blessed! “Will you trust Him?”
This Psalm is believed to have been written to or by the Sons of Korah who were the doorkeepers in God’s house. Earlier in verse 10, these servants of God proclaimed that they would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God than actually dwell in the tents of wickedness. The doorkeepers literally stood on the outside of the temple caring for and providing a service to those who would enter the temple. The doorkeeper had to rely on those who came to the temple for their provisions. They trusted God to do for them what they could not do for themselves.
Putting your trust in God, is surrendering your mind, body and soul, believing that He who you can’t see can and will be everything that you need. Trusting God as said in Proverbs is leaning not on your own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path. Considering your faith, today “Will you trust Him?”
Pastor SP Courtney
“And the Lord spake unto Moses saying, Send me thou men that they search the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel: of every tribe of their fathers shall e send a man every one a ruler among them. (Numbers 1-2)
When God gave Moses instructions for the spies who would go into Canaan, he specifically asked Moses to get representatives from every one of the 12 tribes of Israel. Everyone one of Jacob’s sons would yield a leader that would represent God and his family. Bethlehem has been a vessel in the Kingdom for 141 years carrying generation after generation through this journey called life. I believe in each season, in each generation God calls on believers to represent.
Perhaps you don’t know your assignment, or you are not sure how or to whom you should represent God. The truth is we must represent God daily and decisively. We should not hesitate to go wherever and whenever God leads us. Even if we have to go behind enemy lines, we must go in faith. Fear should not hinder our faith but rather we must use our faith to overcome our fears. The ten spies may have not returned with a good report but they did go into the land. Perhaps we see them as failures because they came back with a bad report, when Joshua and Caleb believed that God could give them the victory. .
Congratulations BBC family on another year in the service of our God. We must continue to press forward by making ourselves available to our God. What about you? “Can God count on you to Represent?”
Pastor SP Courtney