November Month 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
You will begin to do better if through the Word of God, you begin to know better.
Special Note: Please continue to bring can goods and non perishable items as we will continue to collect these items in support of the Bonham Police Department. Thanks to those who gave as our Mission Society were able to be a blessing to some families for Thanksgiving.Stay Blessed,
Stay Blessed,
Saturday, November 15, 2008
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." -Galatians 6:7
Our actions are always the origin or the root of the consequences we face as a result of what we do. The biblical principle of sowing and reaping has no boundaries, It is applicable to every aspect of our lives and our difficult decisions dictate and drive us toward our destiny.
When we sow spiritual things we can expect to reap a strong and productive spiritual life. When we sow evil or even evil intentions we can expect to reap evil in our life. Poor choices as it relates to what we eat, drink, how we speak, sleep and even where we go will have a positive or negative impact directly related to our actions. The old clich is eternal wisdom, You Get Out, exactly what you Put in.
I encourage each of you to think about what you are sowing and who you are , how you are sowing and when. Don't wait until you begin to reap things that you do not want before realizing they are directly related to how you sowed in the past. Sow with an expectation that you are putting in, what you expect to get out. If you want joy then be joy and encouragement to someone else. If you want peace ensure that you are a giver of peace and not a destroyer of peace. If you are in need of a financial blessing be a blessing to someone else. God's principles are His way of guiding us from earth to eternity. God has a great harvest for you, but you have to sow into the kingdom in order to reap a Kingdom Harvest.
Remember, You Get Out, What You Put In!
Pastor S.P. Courtney
Saturday, November 1, 2008
What if I were to ask you about the most important event that occurred during your school years? Many of us would come up with sporting events, proms, passing a big test, or graduation. All of those events are significant. It might be difficult for you to come up with just one.
What if I were to ask you about someone who was important to you during your school years? For most of us a teacher, coach, or administrator would come to mind. These are the people who were your heroes.
Today we are privileged to have many heroes in our midst as we worship. School employees, we welcome you to worship today and want to say thank you for being heroes to our children. The children who sit in your classrooms look to you, and although you may not realize it at times, they respect you and admire you. We appreciate all you do to make our children the best they can be!
I hope this is the greatest school year ever!
Trust In Jesus,
Pastor S.P. Courtney