May Month 2009
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." -Galatians 6:2
One of the reasons our world has so much hate and hurt is the lack of love being displayed from one heart to the next. When we say we love God, we must also love humanity
In your love for God, you find an ultimate love for others. In doing His will, you are not to exclude others. When you are alone, He will, if you desire it, give you a heart to think about others rather than yourself. When you are with others, let your heart forget about yourself and reach out to them. When you are in pain, push the pain aside so you see the needs and hurts of others. As you reside in the heart of God, let Him inspire you to be a beacon of love to your friends, family, and others. Because Christ loves you so, you are to have a heart wanting to make new friends regardless of who they are. When you meet others who are very different from yourself, pray for a heart to see these people as they are, where they are, and how they are. Love and trust others even when others have hurt you. Never hold a grudge or be resentful because of what others have done to you. Do everything possible to be a healing force by pushing your wants and needs aside. Sacrifice yourself for others in love just as Christ sacrificed Himself for you. Dedicate yourself to Learning to Love like the Lord!!
Pastor SP Courtney
Job was known as Godly man, wise and wealthy, righteous and ridiculously rich. Yet Job found himself sick and hurting after losing his children in a storm, and losing all of his wealth yet Job never lost his faith. His friends talked about him and his wife called him a fool. Yet Job remained faithful, proclaiming naked I came into this world and naked I will leave, blessed be the name of the Lord. In verse 12, of chapter 42, we see that God blessed Job that his latter days were greater than his earlier days.
Maybe you don’t know what your future will be, but I encourage you to trust in God. No matter how difficult or even how good you think life has been, I believe that with God, the best is yet to come!
Just remember, no matter how long it’s been bad, or how bad it has been, with GOD, the best is yet to come!
"Strength and honor are her clothing: and she shall rejoice in time to come." -Proverbs 31:25
I encourage every man, boy and girl in our congregation to support the women of our church by joining them in service. Praying for them as they work tirelessly as mother, grandmother, and aunt in conjunction with their roles as choir president, mission president, usher president and many others. Yes, Tabitha was a blessed woman who Peter prayed for and called her from death to life. I pray God’s blessings on all the women of God, who serve diligently and passionately in the kingdom. You are a blessed woman and full of good works. May the blessings of God, bring you joy, peace, love and prosperity.
Pastor SP Courtney
"Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and alms deeds which she did." -Acts 9:36
Perhaps you know her, the woman who is dressed to be blessed! She is not trying to catch something she don’t want, or attract something she doesn’t need. But rather she is trying to please He who is the author and finisher of her faith.
As a result of her Christian character in strength and honor she is assured that Joy will come to her, no matter the circumstances of today, she will rejoice in a time to come. I wish all of the women of Bethlehem, a joyful and blessed Mother’s Day. May your clothing in Christ, reveal your character and commitment to living in His will. My family and I are praying that each of you are Women, Dressed and ready to receive your blessing.
Pastor SP Courtney
Paul, understanding the political and religious landscape facing the church at Philippi, wrote about the all sufficiency of Christ from a Roman jail. Despite being imprisoned, beaten and mistreated Paul did not lose sight of the benefits of the Christian Faith. His comment in chapter 4 verse 19, is one that provides assurance to all believers as it is related to receiving or achieving whatever we need.
In addition he personalizes his relationship with the father as he states, "But My God". Sure He is my parents God, he is my friend’s God, but nothing feels better than knowing He is MY God! His willingness to supply all of our needs, suggest he is committed to making sure that whatever I need to be who he wants me to be, he will supply that need. Whatever I need, to do what he wants me to do, he will supply that need. We don’t need to spend time worrying about what we need, we just have to stand on his promise because his ability to supply will never be overcome by whatever needs mandated by our circumstances.
Just remember, no matter what it is, no matter how big or small, "WHAT YOU NEED, GOD HAS IT!"