January Month 2010
When we think about our priorities, many people in our society are dangerously off track. We have a long list of things that we categorize and organize as priorities in our lives. When we take a closer look at our actions, they reveal that these priorities seldom include our FAITH.
In fact, most church goers who say they love God do not consider him in their list of priorities. We have to watch our favorite television show, or listen to our favorite song on the radio. We have to have this certain outfit; hat or shoes and we will go to great lengths to obtain them. We have to get a new job, we have to go here or there, so many necessities in our life but none of them involve God. When we begin to discuss our faith, we no longer use phrases like, “have to”, and “need to”, rather they are replaced with, “I think I will or I might go to Church”.
Jesus was clear when speaking to his disciples that we should seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. We must put God first in every aspect of our lives. If we are going to be more like Christ then we must follow the examples of Christ found in the Word of God. We must put God first in every aspect in our life including: finances, relationships, careers and health. We must put God first that we might be in position to receive all of the blessings God has in store for us based on the latter part of the verse. If all other will be added unto me, then it will be everything that I need.
Who is first in your life? If it is not God, then you need to STOP, refocus and renew your faith and surrender to God, that he might be first in your life!
Stay Blessed
Pastor SP Courtney
In looking back at some of our embarrassing moments, some of our set-backs and disappointments, perhaps we can see God at work. It is my belief that every born again believer must have and live a life of humility. Being humble should not be something we consider doing but rather we must accept humility as an imperative character trait for all men, women, boys and girls of faith. In fact, God will humble even a pagan King that he might use him for a Kingdom purpose. Surely he expects humility from His believers.
Nebuchadnezzar was responsible for Daniel and man Israelites being taken into Babylonian captivity but the text finds Nebuchadnezzar having dream interpreted by Daniel. Despite hearing that his authority and kingdom would fall if he did not humble himself, Nebuchadnezzar continued to boast about what he had done. If we are God’s creation and His possession, as we surrender our all to him, then how can we not give him credit for things he has done to us, for us and through us?
However when you read the verses from 31-35, you find that God dealt with Nebuchadnezzar by taking away his Kingdom and leaving him in the field to eat grass like the oxen. He grew feathers like the eagles and nails like bird claws. No longer was he a king but rather he was made lower than a human. The he would not humble himself, verse 28 suggests that the king was humbled by God and then restored once he lifted his eyes to Heaven and gave God his due. He rendered Praise, Worship, and Honor to God.
You need to humble yourself, or expect to be humbled at the WILL of God
Pastor SP Courtney
Friday, January 8th, 2010
Churches are filled with those eager to say something but unwilling to have their words and their actions march to the same beat. Yes we shout halleluiah and enthusiastic amean’s but after the choir stop singing and the preacher stop preaching, we struggle to live a privately in accordance to our public praise.
This text occurs following two miracles performed by Jesus and questioned by the Pharisees. There was a man with a withered hand who stood in need of miracle and one possessed with a demonic spirit when Jesus cast away. The Pharisees felt like Jesus was helping people at the wrong time, healing people when he should have been resting during the Sabbath.
Jesus was clearly explaining to them, if you are going to talk about something then you need to be about it. These miracles suggested that Jesus helped those in need and demonstrated that ministering to others is a priority over tradition. Doing what is right in the sight of God is letting our walk line up with our talk.
Don’t procrastinate, follow God and participate in doing his will.
Stay Blessed
Pastor SP Courtney
I know alot of prophetic words will be going out for the new year and I'm not knocking that but I know what God told me, He said to prepare the people for His coming back. This is a year of preparation and consecration to the Lord. In this moment we need to be very sure we are carrying the mind of Christ each and every day, each hour, minute and second of the day. Preparation simply means I am getting ready for something I know is coming. If we know Christ is coming back, why are we not prepared to meet Him?