February Month 2010
We often see them, but are we treating them the way God intended us to treat them? Our seniors have been left among us for a reason, and a season. The Apostle Peter expressed his feelings toward seniors when he said "I exhort", meaning he was encouraging and lifting up the elders because he was also an elder. Peter understood the persecutions, the trials and tribulations they had endured for he too had witnessed the sufferings of Christ and experienced his own. Do we really understand what our seniors have endured and why we are blessed that God allowed them to be with us?
Of course many who are not seniors will say, I have been through so much, probably more than them. I suggest to you that only God knows their story. For the past sixty plus year did you know that our seniors have probably, had more heartache, heartbreak, shed more tears, buried more love ones, been lied on more, been talked about more, and probably been mistreated more. They have entered back doors, and sat in the back of busses and auditoriums. They have eaten in restaurant kitchens, and drank in separate fountains. Despite all they have been through, each one is a witness to the goodness of God, and can testify how they made it over.
For all that they have been through; I would like to tell all of the seniors, the elders, both males and females, THANK YOU! Thank you for standing for righteousness and justice. Thank you for enduring hardship and trials that I might live in harmony with all humanity. Thank you for trusting God and leaning not on your own understanding, for because of you I too have learned to trust Him. We lift you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May His Grace, His Love and His Power be yours today and throughout all eternity! Brothers and Sisters in Christ, are you lifting them up?
Pastor SP Courtney
Not a Hollywood star, with a fake persona and temporary fame, but a real star with the ability to shine throughout all eternity. Many people are depressed and disappointed with their life because they envy the glitz and glamour of the so-called stars. Those individuals who appear to living a life filled with happiness, goodness and peace of mind. Yet, we find out all too often that those that we see smiling for the camera, are crying themselves to sleep.
If only they knew what we are suppose to already know? We who are believers and followers of Jesus Christ are already Stars. Neither with a fake personal nor with temporary fame, rather our light should shine continuously because its source is eternal. The apostle Paul suggests that God is working in us, that we might do His will. Our part is to humble ourselves and willing do the things that he has predestined us to do. If we do it without complaining, then we will appear blameless, as the sons of God without rebuke standing in the midst of a crooked nation. We will shine as lights to this dark world, appearing as shiny stars, lighting the way in darkness.
It is not our own light that illuminates, but the light of the Jesus that lives in us. His light is not temporary but eternal. His light does not need cameras, props, or manmade power. His light is powered by the glory and majesty of God. His light prepares, proves and protects us for and from all unrighteousness. Being a star in Jesus, suggests that we will be His light in the world and that all will know Him through us. Did you know you were already a star?
Pastor SP Courtney
As an individual and as a church, the body of Christ must commit to loving like Jesus. This Valentines, make your love count, love like Jesus.
Pastor SP Courtney