"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others, but let us watch and be sober." -1st Thessalonians 5:5-6

If you don't have God in your life or want to know how to draw closer to God, then we hope and pray you will come and find out what God's word says. GO WITH GOD!
Our symbol is a star with five arrows pointing inward to Christ at the center. These denote our Christian growth through worship, Bible study, life decisions, fellowship, and churchmanship. Five arrows also point outward to the ends of the earth. We teach students to live and share their faith through verbal witness, missions, and ministry. Developing and promoting youth activities is an important part of our church. We are committed to training our children for a future in Kingdom Building. The church offers several activities for our younger members.
- Sunday School
- Youth Bible Study - Wednesday Night
- BYM Choir
- Awana Clubs
- House of Bread Junior Mime Ministry
- Annual Movie Night Lock-In
- Youth Ushers
- Angels of Joy Praise Dance Team
- S.W.A.G Drill Team
- Glory to Glory Youth Conference
- Annual Youth Explosion
- Kid's Night Out at a professional sporting event
- Yearly High School Sport Game(s)
- End of School Year Bash
- Judgement House at Boyd Baptist Church
NEW Youth Learning Center
Youth Leaders
- Sis. Shaterra La Vergne, Director of BYM Choir
- Sis. Emma Williams, Director of Youth Ushers
- Sister Rose Ransom, Senior Youth Advisor & VBS Director
- Sister Deadra Courtney, Youth Counselor & Tutoring Director
- Brother Timothy La Vergne, II, Youth Advisor & Director of Junior Mimes
- Sis. Keonna Finney, Manager of Angels of Praise Dancers & S.W.A.G. Drill Team
- Sister Gayle Patterson, Youth Advisor
- Sister Tiffany Mathenia, Youth Advisor
- Sister Sherry Elliott, Children's Ministry
- Sister Melba White, Children's Ministry
- Sister Audra Contessa Mason, Children's Ministry
Email Us if you have questions, concerns or any feedback about our YOUTH! Email
Bethlehem Baptist Church ~ 1415 Franklin Ave, Bonham, Texas 75418
Office (903) 583-8061 ~ © Copyright 2008-Present BBC