Bethlehem Baptist Church remains focused on the safety of our members and the community. We are working continuously with our partners, local municipalities and health departments to provide you with updates and additional information.
We have been praying for you and with you. This is a time of uncertainty and we know the rapidly changing COVID-19 information creates real concerns for maintaining optimal health and safety. In addition to your well-being, we’ve been praying for God’s guidance on how to best transition from being the church gathered to the church scattered. From these prayers, and through conversations with ministers, church leadership and staff from other churches in our district, we’ve made some difficult decisions.
What will not change during this time is our commitment to sharing the love, peace and hope of Christ with you and with the community. Let us be intentional to call, text and email one another so that we may lessen anxiety and loneliness through stories of creativity, humor and joy. Perfect love casts out all fear. God, we rest even now in your perfect love. Thank you for your cooperation and please be assured, your leadership team is focused on your safety and doing God’s will as we all represent the Kingdom of God in what we do and how we do it.
Be sure to follow our social media outlets to stay connected with the latest information for our campus. To find out more about our church, city and school COVID-19 related updates, please click on each icon below.
In these unprecedented times, we believe that being the church means both responsibly keeping our members safe and reaching out to serve our communities and cities.
To that end, we’ve appointed a team from our church, consisting of several key staff members, medical professionals, and public health professionals to monitor the pandemic and make recommendations for our churches. We take the safety of our members very seriously and will be taking the vast majority of our activities online until further notice.
In response to COVID-19, our church is committed to serving our communities in whatever ways we can. Our prayers are with the sick, their loved ones, public safety first responders and the healthcare workers fighting on the front lines to keep us all safe.
As we look to the days and weeks ahead, would you join us in prayer?
• Ask God, in his mercy, to stem the tide of this growing pandemic, not only in our communities, but in cities around the world (Isaiah 59:1–2).
• Pray that those who are called to address this crisis (particularly medical professionals and those in positions of authority) would be equipped to handle new cases with wisdom and compassion (Romans 13:1–4).
• Pray that local churches would lead the way in exhibiting a spirit of trust in God and love for others (Matthew 22:37–39).
• Pray for our overseas missionaries, that they would act as God’s ambassadors, continuing to offer the hope of the gospel (Mark 16:15).
As believers, we are called to run toward tragedy and not away from it. Faithful Christians have done this throughout many generations. Let’s be faithful in this moment to be the hands and feet of Christ caring for the sick and pointing people to ultimate hope in him.
Please use prudent discretion when attending in-person events at BBC and follow basic hygiene practices, including washing hands, social distancing and wearing masks.
Symptoms of COVID-19
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle pain
Sore throat
Loss of taste or smell
A fever of 100 degrees or more
If a member, visitor or staff has had symptoms, whether they are confirmed as having COVID-19 or not, they should not return until after their fever has subsided for three days without medication, their respiratory symptoms have improved, and it has been at least seven days since they first exhibited symptoms. Anyone who is a confirmed case of COVID-19 or who has been in contact with a confirmed case should wait to return after a 14-day quarantine period. Please follow all recommended advice from the Health Department or your healthcare provider.
Disposable masks will be available in the foyer and fellowship hall areas
We require that you wear face masks while you are visiting our campus. Please keep masks on indoors and around others outside.
Our building gets a clean weekly prior to each service. We have also installed anti-bacterial sanitize gel, and disinfectant wipes at various stations around the HOB campus to help ensure a more sanitary environment.
We are encouraging everyone to maintain a social distance of six feet and we ask that you avoid shaking hands, hugging, or any other physical contact.
While you are on campus, if you are moved to give, you can drop your offering in the offering basket provided by the Deacons.
We also encourage you to give online! It’s easy to set up recurring giving or make one-time gifts. You can give online using our services on the church website.
Your choices how to give:
In Person- During Worship Service
Mail- 1415 Franklin, Bonham, Texas 75418
By Phone- (903) 583-8061 x 700
Should you have any questions about giving, or need any assistance setting up online giving or automatic recurring giving, please email our church office at
We’re asking that you all who continue coming to meetings and services please following the steps provided below:
- Wear your mask completely over your mouth and nose while on campus and where you go in the community. (Remember who you are expose to, you expose us to when you return to church)
- Contact our administration if you are exposed or tested positive at any point.
- We request you sit together with your family. (Do not spread out and sit in different areas)
- Please respect others and do not shake hands or embrace others during services.
- Social distance and follow the instructions of the greeters and ushers when being seated.
- Your temperature will be checked every time you enter. (If your temp is over 100, you will be asked to return home and watch online)
- Please wash your hands and use sanitizer when using the restrooms at all times.
- No casual gatherings in the foyer
If an individual has attended in-person events, meetings, classes, small groups, etc, AND exhibits COVID-19 symptoms AND subsequently tests positive for COVID-19, they are required to notify BBC and we will activate our COVID Response Plan. This individual will contact Pastor Stuart Courtney at or 903-583-8061 ext 701 and provide the following information:
Did you attend a BBC service and/or event within the last 2 weeks of your first exhibited symptoms? When were you at church during this time frame?
What group event did you attend?
Where were you and who were you with?
What percentage of time when you were in attendance did you wear a mask properly?
Privacy and Confidentiality
BBC will notify exposed groups or individuals of a possible exposure in a manner that preserves the confidentiality and privacy of all involved. This includes not revealing the name of church members, visitors and staff unless permission has been given (in writing). We assure you that your privacy will be respected and protected.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
Face masks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a healthcare facility).
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if your hands are visibly dirty.